光良 第二主打 情歌 LIVE,值得讓你再次銘記珍藏。
Q&A Session for Michael 【Crazy Memories】Concert Tour Live in M'sia 2015
【Q1】When is the concert?
【A1】The concert is going to held on 18.04.2015 at Putra Indoor Stadium, Bukit Jalil.
【Q2】How about the concert time?
【A2】The organiser decided to start the concert at 7pm SHARP in order to allow the audiences fully enjoy themselves at the show by listening more songs. Please be punctual during the actual day.
【Q3】Is the tickets start selling yet?
【A3】The concert tickets are officially launched through 【Online Pre-sale】and【Ticket Launching & Autograph Session】. Online Pre-sale starts on 10.12.2014. Please refer below for ticket purchasing method:
(1)10th Dec 2014 (Wed) 12:00AM 【Global Online Pre-sale】
(2)12th Dec 2014 (Fri) 05:00PM 【Ticket Launching in Petaling Jaya】
》》Paradigm Mall Boulevard
(3)13th Dec 2014 (Sat) 05:0PM 【Ticket Launching in Melaka】
》》Mahkota Parade (Concourse Area)
(4)14th Dec 2014 (Sun) 05:00PM 【Ticket Launching in Penang】
》》Gurney Paragon (6th Floor), Penang on 6
【Q4】Why the time stated on the poster was 7PM?
【A4】That is the time of Michael arriving at the ticket launching venue for autograph session, ticket counters are opened for purchasing at 5PM, kindly reach earlier for ticket purchasing.
【Q5】The news stated the concert ticket is only RM99 for all zones, is it true?
【A5】Definitely YES. It is only RM99 for all zones for each ticket.
【Q6】Is it number seated or free seating?
【A6】It is ALL number seated. The consumer could select their preferred zone while purchasing the tickets but not the seating number, this is because the seats are computerized, first come first serve. Kindly consider your preferable zone before you proceed with the purchasing step at ticket launching venue.
【Q7】Do we need to pay any extra cost beside RM99?
【A7】The fixed RM3 processing fee is already included in RM99. However, there are two different prices for 【Online Pre-sale】and【Ticket Launching & Autograph Session】. There are RM99 nett for every ticket being purchased at 【Ticket Launching & Autograph Session】while there are an extra charges of RM1.50 each ticket for those who purchase online through www.ticketcharge.com.my.
【Q8】Is that mean the ticket price bought online is more expensive?
【A8】Yes. The total amount of the ticket will be RM100.50 each after added the handling fee. Besides, there will be a Handling Fee of RM10.00 for each ticket transaction. Customers are allowed to purchase up to a maximum of 10 tickets in EACH transaction.
【Q9】Can I purchase the concert ticket through the web oversea?
【A9】You can purchase the ticket through the appointed ticket agent website (www.ticketcharge.com.my) gloabally. For those purchase oversea, only Visa and Master credit card are accepted for purchasing transaction while for the locals, you can either paid with your credit cards or debit cards.
【Q10】How do I redeem my ticket if I purchased it online?
【A10】The ticket agent provides three way for the consumers to redeem their tickets, please find the info below:
(1)Redeem the tickets on Concert day
》》The consumer can redeem their tickets before 7PM on 18th April 2015 at Putra Indoor Stadium, Bukit Jalil .
(2)Redeem the tickets at Ticketcharge HQ
》》The consumer can reddem their tickets at Ticketcharge HQ in KL.& Penang Office. Both Address as following :
**【KL HQ 】No.42A-1,Jalan Metro Pudu,Fraser Business Park, Off Jalan Yew, 55100 K.L. / Hotline:+603-9222 8811
**【Penang Office】No L2-02, SPICE Arena,108, Jalan Tun Dr Awang,11900 Relau, Penang./ Hotline :+604 645 9811
(3)Ticket delivery
》》Kindly note that TicketCharge requires ten (10) working days for ticket(s) delivery. No courier service will be available for online booking made below:
**【Within Malaysia】 less than ten (10) days before the date of Event
**【Overseas】 less than fourteen (14) days before the date of Event
For more information, please log on to 【http://www.ticketcharge.com.my/en/conditions-of-sales/ticket-collection 】
【Q11】Can I get Michael's autograph if I purchase the ticket online?
【A11】First of all, for those who purchase the ticket online will able to get a better seat than those who purchase at ticket launching. For those who purchase the ticket online between 10th Dec to 14th Dec you can still grab the chance to get Michael's autograph by redeem you tickets ONLY at Ticketcharge HQ in KL and Penang. You can redeem the limited merchandise with your concert tickets at the ticket launching in PJ, Melaka & Penang and let Michael to sign on it.
【Q12】What is【Limited Merchandise】?
【A12】It is small gift specially designed for those who purchase the concert tickets at the ticket launching & autograph session. It is actually a 2015 calendar with the theme of illustrating Michael Wong with Childhood toys.Michael will only sign on the calender during the autograph session. One calender per each ticket, while stock last.
【Q13】Is it a necessary for children to purchase tickets?
【A13】For safety purpose, children below 3 years old are not allowed to enter the concert venue. It is a necessary for children who are 3 years old and above to enter the venue with ticket.
【Q14】Why I can't redeem the 【Limited Merchandise】at the ticket launching with my 【Transaction Confirmation】?
【A14】It is because the redemption counter is only accept the actual concert ticket for merchandise redemption, after the redemption, a significant chop will be placed on the ticket for recording purpose.
【Q15】What time is Ticketcharge HQ in KL and office in Penang opening?
【A15】Opened weekdays (Mon-Fri): 9AM to 6PM, Saturday: 12PM to 6PM, Closed on Sunday ad Public Holidays.
光良 第二主打 情歌 LIVE,值得讓你再次銘記珍藏。
光良 第二主打 情歌 LIVE,值得讓你再次銘記珍藏。
《十二夜2:回到第零天》主題曲 〈大寶貝小寶貝〉由知名作詞人李焯雄填詞、黃建為作曲; 歌曲製作編排上特地安排與台灣原聲合唱團和聲,光良為了讓孩子們更有臨場感,特地陪合唱團一起錄製,還自嘲:「其實我們是『老寶貝小寶貝』!」 電影《十二夜2》的主題曲《大寶貝小寶貝》其實是毛小孩唱給人類聽的情歌,像電影一樣,這次我們換個角度看世界。 人類對動物的愛,往往是有條件的,我們挑,但狗狗不會。牠們「不在乎你美不美」, 也不會過問你的來歷,「不問過去/與你四目相對」「愛定你不後悔」。 事實上,你就是牠們的全部,「你是全世界,沒有例外」。 日常的我們會裝,心裏愛討拍,明明依賴對方,又裝作不是。動物真誠得多,「快樂就擺尾」。 《十二夜2》這次從關懷流浪狗被撲殺的議題,轉到關注如何讓浪浪們找到身與心的家。 如何為浪浪建設比較合理的收容所,這是第一重意義的家,而更重要的是為牠們找到最終的家, 有人類共居的家,因為「有你的所在/是家的所在」。 放生不等於自由,浪浪們其實無法獨立獵食,他們離不開人類,但我們卻有太多理由棄養牠們。 《十二夜2》很多篇幅在紀錄志工們一次又一次為浪浪們營造家的努力, 他們的苦心多次被質疑,得不到認同,我們很容易會想到自己:我們如何努力地安頓自己,我們不也是在找一個家嗎? 沒有局外人,我們和浪浪們並沒有不同:「你是全世界/沒有局外」。 希望能夠透過主題曲溫暖的聲線來感謝,讓更多人來關心議題外。 由衷地感謝支持《十二夜2》的所有朋友們。 因為你們才能讓這個世界更好。
新銳創作人陳鈺羲作品「1901的上一位房客」寫的則是人離開家鄉到異地居住偶有的愁緒。1901是一個房號,代表租屋處的房號,上一個房客是代表過去的自己,尋找自己初心的感覺, 1901是作者朋友住處的房號,有次跟朋友在聊天,身邊有很多人離開自己家鄉,在異地居住,當生活上不是很順遂、很想回家的時候,只有自己一個人要面對這些事。 獨處時會思考自己為何在此,是不是還走在初衷的道路上。生活上會面對到很多負面的東西,因為自己一個人住,所以要自己消化吞掉,也擔心自己離家太久不知道家人好不好的感覺。 作者認為一個人居住的孤獨感會累積的,累積到一個程度可能心中小宇宙會爆炸,但歌中的主角最後找到了希望,帶有正面的意義:只要心不是孤獨到處都是他的家。 而光良也回想自己當年首次家鄉怡保到吉隆坡念大專的孤獨心情。特別是光良念的又是電子工程系,加上自己不是特別會社交的人,和同學間沒有太多互動與話題,還好當時可以跨系去參加別科系舉辦的音樂表演,讓他最孤獨乏味的大專二年生活,稍微有一點趣味和色彩。
「雨中的讚美詩」同樣是用天氣在形容一個人孤獨黑暗時刻的心情-在雨中的一絲絕望,我們習慣歌頌美好的東西,但當世界真相出現在我們面前時,我們該如何面對? 每個人在追尋人生的道路上,多少會遇到風浪跟困難,但這首歌想讓大家去感受到我們在面對不如意或面對黑暗跟風浪的時候,我們要用什麼心態去面對。希望能帶給聽眾溫暖跟慰藉,不管在風雨或黑暗中都可以不害怕的前行。每個人都有信仰,但你在遇到不如意的時刻,都會有一個傾訴、思考疑問的對象。覺得讚美詩就是在一片汪洋中,當你覺得潛入漫長怎樣都走不到終點的時候,讚美詩可以帶給你一些光明與力量。 而光良也分享自己在年輕時候,也有過見不得別人好,不希望和自己競爭的人成功的負面心態時候,但後來他漸漸明白,別人失敗,自己也不見得成功,就像感情裡,你希望那個前女友或前男友跟他的現任情人吵架分手,但即便他們分手了,你也不會再是他們選擇的對象,冷靜的想通,理性的分析就是給自己最好的讚美詩。